Ensure documentation safety and legal certainty in substitution treatment with MeDoSys.®
Your simple and professional solution: MeDoSys® substitution dosing systems
Dispensing substitution drugs in your surgery ought to run easily, quickly and almost automatically?
You want clean and precise dosing as well as legally compliant documentation to be able to focus on the treatment and therapy of your patients? Then MeDoSys® Surgery is the optimal solution for you.
Please, refer to attached information and learn what exactly the benefits are which you will have when using a MeDoSys® dosing system.
Your special benefits at a glance
Exact dosing and drug-adequate documentation of liquid substitutes
Documentation and stockholding of substitution tablets
Fully automated printing of prescriptions for monitored dispensing and take-home
Transfer of medical service codes into almost all common surgery IT systems
Automatic registration and deregistration at the Federal Opium Board (BOPST)
Management and monitoring of the take-home patients' therapy
You will find an overview of all benefits here:

Recommended products for your field of practise
MeDoSys® professional for surgeries
MeDoSys® compact for surgeries
MeDoSys® doppio for surgeries
In Ihrem Alltag gilt es, jeden Vorgang exakt zu überwachen und die Dokumentation- und Rechtssicherheit zu gewährleisten - bei take-home, Praxisbelieferung oder Sichtvergabe.
You want a reduction of effort, safe and quick handling and a quality standard that complies with the Ordinance on the Operation of Pharmacies?
Do you supply surgeries and take-home patients? Maybe, you dispense substitute drugs under monitoring?
Then MeDoSys® s the proper work instrument for you. You will significantly increase safety and efficiency and at the same time save money. Please, refer to attached information and learn what exactly the benefits are which you will have when using a MeDoSys® dosing system.
Your special benefits at a glance
Easy-to-plan, patient-related bottling for surgeries and take-home patients
Automatic dosing control by integrated calibrated scales
Drug-adequate documentation
Simplified bottling process thanks to barcode scanner
Less wastage of narcotics thanks to the accurately working Methadone dosing unit
Significant time savings for your qualified personnel
You will find an overview of all benefits here:

Recommended products for your field of practise
MeDoSys® professional pharmacy
MeDoSys® compact pharmacy
In Ihrem Klinik-Alltag gilt es - oft unter Zeitdruck - jeden Vorgang zu überwachen, zu steuern und dabei die Dokumentation- und Rechtssicherheit zu gewährleisten.
In your daily clinic life it is important to monitor and control each operational step while ensuring proper documentation and legal certainty - and all this under time pressure?
Especially when is comes to the treatment of opiate-addicted patients, you have to meet high quality standards regarding the therapy with both tablets and liquid substitutes ?
You want less paperwork, more safety and above all more time for your patients?
Then MeDoSys® Clinic is a strong instrument to support you. It facilitates therapy scheduling, ensures legally compliant documentation of the daily doses and allows a quick overview of the treatment process.
Please, refer to attached information and learn what exactly the benefits are which you will have when using a MeDoSys® dosing system.
Your special benefits at a glance
Exact dosing and drug-adequate documentation of liquid substitutes
Documentation of all substitution tablets
Patient-related scheduling of therapy processes
Immediate situational dosing adjustment
Automatic drug-adequate documentation, even when shift changes and a large number of employees are involved
Comprehensive evaluation options
You will find an overview of all benefits here:

Recommended products for your field of practise
MeDoSys® compact for clinics
MeDoSys® doppio for clinics
Specialized institutions
In Ihrem Praxis-Alltag gilt es, jeden Vorgang zu überwachen und die Dokumentations- und Rechtssicherheit zu gewährleisten und das bei großen Patientenzahlen - zur Sicherheit aller Beteiligten.
You have a large number of patients? You have many multimorbid patients who would need more of your time? All this and the fulfilment of the legal requirements put a constant strain on you during daily work?
Then MeDoSys® Specialized Institution creates ample freedom for you. It allows you, for example, situation-related dosing and simultaneous automatic drug-adequate documentation.
Please, refer to attached information and learn what exactly the benefits are which you will have when using a MeDoSys® dosing system.
Your special benefits at a glance
Exact dosing and drug-adequate documentation of liquid substitutes
Documentation and stockholding of substitution tablets
Patient-related therapy scheduling
Fully automated printing of prescriptions for both monitored dispensing and take-home
Transfer of medical service codes into almost all common surgery IT systems
Automatic registration and deregistration at the Federal Opium Board (BOPST)
Management and reminder function for medical appointments, urine tests and other activities that can be planned
You will find an overview of all benefits here:

Recommended products for your field of practise
MeDoSys® professional for specialized institutions
MeDoSys® doppio for specialized institutions
correctional facility
Täglich gilt es, jeden Vorgang zu überwachen und die Dokumentations- und Rechtssicherheit zu gewährleisten - zur Sicherheit aller Beteiligten.
Legal certainty and precision are your first priority?
The preparation of narcotics should be easily integrable into your daily work process? And all this with as few personnel as possible?
Then MeDoSys® correctional facility is the proper solution for you.It ensures automatic drug-adequate documentation and safe and precise patient-related dosing.
Please, refer to attached information and learn what exactly the benefits are which you will have when using a MeDoSys® dosing sytem.
Your special benefits at a glance
Scheduling and preparing patient-related narcotics
Exact dosing and drug-adequate documentation of liquid substitutes
Documentation of all substitution tablets
Patient-related planning of therapy processes
Immediate situational dosing adjustment
Automatic drug-adequate documentation, even when shift changes and a large number of employees are involved
Logging of handover
You will find an overview of all benefits here:

Recommended products for your field of practise
MeDoSys® professional for correctional facilities
MeDoSys® doppio for correctional facilities