IT-supported documentation of L-Polamidon dispensing in cooperation with Sanofi-Aventis

After we had successfully completed the development of MeDoSys® for the substitution therapy with Methadone, we were asked to modify the system in such a way that would make it also applicable for dosing the substitute drug L-Polamidon and documenting the treatment.
The drug-adequate documentation of all important substitute drugs had to be integrated into the existing MeDoSys® system in such a way that the uniform graphical user interface remained unchanged.
The new function was successfully integrated into the existing Methadone dosing system. The enhancement of MeDoSys allows the dosing of L-Polamidon (even without automatic Methadone dispenser) and its documentation. So, it is now possible to use the system for documenting not only Methadone and Subutex but also L-Polamidon.